Friday, June 4, 2010

Me and Jazz

So this past week, I've been thinking a lot about how I don't sing jazz anymore. Or really write it that much. And about how that really stinks. Ever since I discovered jazz in ninth grade, I've been obsessed. Well, I was enthralled long before that but ninth grade was when I put a name to it. I distinctly remember being enraged when my mom told me it was "Just a phase". Sadly enough, I haven't sung with a combo in over a year. A year! Yeah, I write semi-pithy pop and sappy singer songwriter stuff but I miss the jazz! I sound so much better as a jazz singer, it's the perfect outlet for bratty jabs, jazz theory is more intellectually challenging for me and it's so fun!! It's a little late to make a new year's resolution, but this year is not going to be as jazz-less as the last.

I've got a couple of charts I would love to record so if you know of a few good musicians in the Chicago-land area, lemme know! In the meantime, feel free to revisit (and download) an old fav--

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